Cardiac First Response - Community
The Cardiac First Response – Community Course is designed to provide the ability to recognise several life-threatening emergencies, provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner, as well as recognising signs & symptoms of Stroke, and administration of Aspirin to patients with an indication of Cardiac Chest Pain
Did You Know?
The brain can survive for up to about six minutes after the heart stops. The reason to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is that if CPR is started within six minutes of cardiac arrest, the brain may survive the lack of oxygen. After about six minutes without CPR, however, the brain begins to die.
Survival rates following cardiac arrest are directly related to time to resuscitation and in particular defibrillation. If defibrillated within 5 minutes, survival rates are approximately 50% and potentially higher with younger patients. If time to defibrillation is 10 minutes or more, virtually no one survives without cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This increases to 10 to 20% if CPR is used. A speedy and effective response is required if the chances of survival are to be increased.
In a Dublin study, the Mater Hospital Group found an overall survival to hospital discharge rate of 3.6% (13 out of 388 patients). In AED equipped sites, 7 out of 13 (54%) patients whom resuscitation was attempted survived to discharge. By contrast only 6 out of 375 (1.6%) survived arrest where an AED was not available.
Who’s It For?
A Cardiac First Responder may be part of the Emergency Medical Services, a Healthcare Practitioner, member of a Community First Responder Group or any member of the public.
5-6 hours of instruction
Course Content
Patient Assessment
Chain of Survival
CPR (Adult/Child/Infant)
Use of Face Mask Barrier Devices
Automated External Defibrillator - AED
Recovery Position
Foreign Body Airway Obstruction (Choking) Adult/Child/Infant
Aspirin Administration for Heart Attack (Cardiac Chest Pain)
Stroke (FAST assessment)
Skills Group Practice
Method of Delivery
The course is facilitated by an instructor who will use PowerPoint presentation, DVD and practical sessions to guide you through the course.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be issued with a certificate in Cardiac First Response-Community . Certificate is valid for 2 years.
Student Ratio
6 students max per 1 instructor
€80 per person
Group discounts are available (Please contact us here for further information)
Course is ran through Medicore